Tag Archives: Brenchel

This Weekend in Live Feed Spoilers (7/12-7/15)

This post contains spoilers from the live feeds.  If you wish to remain unspoiled for the broadcast episodes, read no further.  Otherwise, it’s all after the jump! Continue reading

The Next HOH Has Been Crowned! (Live Feed Spoilers)

This post contains spoilers from the live feeds.  If you wish to remain unspoiled for the broadcast episodes, read no further.  Otherwise, it’s all after the jump! Continue reading

The Twist Unfolds! (7/11 Recap)

What the hell is wrong with these people?

Craziest episode ever!  Brendon’s back in the game and now we’re in for at least one more week of the Brenchel show.  I just don’t know how to come back from this.  I must admit, though, you couldn’t ask for a bigger shift in momentum.  This was easily the most intense episode so far this season.


As if offering himself up to be evicted in yesterday’s episode wasn’t bad enough, tonight solidified Lawon as the dumbest player in BB history.  He was convinced he had a “99% chance of coming back into the house–with superpowers!”  Anyone hoping for a miracle had their bubble burst right off the bat when Julie not-so-subtly pointed out that, duh, there are no superpowers.  Then, Lawon made it worse by putting on his “acting skills” to make everyone think he didn’t know he’d be put up.  His “performance of a lifetime” (his words) included announcing, completely unprovoked, “I did NOT volunteer.”  That’s like walking up to airport security and saying “I SWEAR I don’t have a bomb!”  You may be telling the truth, but it’s a great way to get a cavity search.


And Shelly gave Lawon one hell of a cavity search.  OK, that came out wrong.  Shelly caught on to Lawon’s “performance” right away.  But really, how difficult was it?  He’s probably the worst liar I’ve ever seen, to an almost embarrassing degree.  I actually do sort of feel bad for him, but more on that later.


The only people who could potentially rival Lawon in the dumb-ass category are Kalia and Daniele.  They could not have played this week more poorly.  First they (and I say ‘they’ since Daniele was pulling Kalia’s puppet strings all week) make horrible nominations, try (and fail) to backtrack on the nominations, kiss their enemies’ asses, put up their closest ally out of fear, and then run on the assumption they control the votes when they controlled none.

They were stupid to let the threat of a twist derail their plans.  It’s a given in BB that nothing is what it seems and they should have realized there would be more to the twist than was revealed to them last week.  They were stupid to think keeping Rachel would give them any power–they needed her gone, because now she’s coming after them no matter what.  They voted out HER MAN, after all, which is punishable by death in Rachel’s world.

Imagine how much better this week would have gone for Dani and Kalia if they had just targeted Rachel?  Rachel and Brendon would have had to duke it out and the numbers wouldn’t have changed.  Instead, they look like boneheads for sacrificing their only ally for no reason.  If they don’t win HOH this week, I think it’s curtains for Kalia and Daniele.


I’m a bit ashamed of my country tonight since you assholes voted BRENDON back into the house.  This is almost as bad as George W Bush’s reelection.  I genuinely don’t get how anyone in their right mind could tolerate, let alone vote for, Brendon’s presence in the BB house.  Am I missing something?

Because I absolutely refuse to believe that the majority of viewers like Brendon, my theory is that he lucked out on this vote.  I think viewers fall into two camps:  those who like Brendon (or at least like the drama he brings), and those who hate Brendon.  Those who like Brendon voted for him to come back, and the rest of the votes were split between Cassi fans and Dominic fans (Keith presumably got less than 1% of votes because he’s a forgettable weirdo). So really it’s Cassi’s/Dominic’s fault for not being interesting enough to have a significant following.  I’ll forgive you for now, America, but if Brendon wins the jury prize, I might need to move to Canada.


When Julie finally revealed the details of the twist, the house guests’ faces were priceless.  Lawon kept smiling as he waited for Julie to reveal the secret superpowers (and then the smile slowly faded to a look of “Eff my life.”).  You could see Rachel’s thought process as she went from worried, to shocked, to “OHMYGOD I HOPE IT’S BRENDOOOOON!!!!!”  Daniele looked like she was going to poop herself, and Kalia looked like she just wanted to walk right out of the game.

The competition was highly stupid, especially considering how high the stakes were.  Who knew that coming back into the house would hinge on a Skee-Ball match with colored balls?  I was fully expecting an epic endurance battle.  But alas.  It was obvious from the outset that Lawon didn’t stand a chance in hell, but Rachel still felt compelled to give Brendon all the answers.

I really do feel bad for Lawon.  He was likable and funny in the house, and it’s got to be pretty humiliating to make such a huge blunder on live TV.  Hopefully he has a good sense of humor about it, because I wouldn’t wish that kind of embarrassment on anyone.  Except maybe Rachel.

I’m disappointed that we didn’t get to see the HOH competition tonight (which likely means it will also be blocked out for the live feed viewers, too).  Everyone was disappointingly undramatic when Brendon won the competition (no screaming match? Lame!).  We didn’t even get to see the “What the hell were you thinking?” exit interview with Lawon. It’s all very open-ended at this point.

No matter what happens, this is sure to be a VERY interesting week!

Week 4 Eviction Recap! 8/4

Last night’s episode was action-packed.  We learned about the new twist (for the second time), saw Rachel with an overly-generous edit, heard Dick bash his own daughter on national television, and watched the “all-time floater” Kalia win HOH.


Brenchel genuinely believed that their plan to lie about who was staying on the block would trick everyone (they even thought that Dani would be so flabbergasted she’d put up one of her friends as a replacement!).  You can tell from their “Did you see their faces?!” conversation after the veto that they genuinely think they’re brilliant people.  I loved seeing that juxtaposed with everyone else in the house talking about how stupid it was.  One rule for future BB players:  Do not lie unless it’s absolutely necessary!  It almost always bites you in the ass or makes you look like an idiot!

Other than this one moment, Rachel unraveled for several days over Brendon leaving.  She acted like Brendon was diagnosed with a terminal illness and that she’d be all alone forever.  It was ridiculous.  But production gave her an EXTREMELY generous edit in this episode, because the reality of her behavior was far more outrageous than what was shown.  They made it look like Rachel’s hammock meltdown was all about Brendon leaving, when in fact it was because she tried to pick a fight with Daniele and ended up making herself look like a complete ass to everyone in the house (see my “Epic Meltdown” post for the story).  I have absolutely no sympathy for Rachel because she brings it all on herself.  But, of course, she makes herself the victim of everything, just like last season. Which is why Rachel’s temper tantrum was nothing but hilarious.


I was pretty uncomfortable with Dick’s comments about Daniele last night.  Granted, I think he was right in all of what he said (she’s playing too hard too fast and it’s likely because she’s trying to get out of Dick’s shadow).  But that doesn’t mean he should be saying it so bluntly on national TV for all the world to hear.  He should have said what he said a bit more nicely, at least.  I very rarely take the moral soapbox when it comes to reality TV, but I did think his comments were pretty inappropriate.

It WAS pretty hysterical, though, when they played the montage comparing Dani/Dom to Dani/Nick (from season 8).  It was spot-on!


Kalia kicked ass in this competition.  She completely obliterated it.  She answered almost every question before Julie even finished asking it.  I was sincerely impressed.  I really didn’t think she would be able to keep cool enough to perform under that pressure.

Rachel, on the other hand, surprised me with how badly she blew it.  As soon as Julie explained the competition, I was positive Rachel would win (she won this competition last season).  The pressure obviously got to her, because when she answered incorrectly (and yelled “FUCK!” on live TV) it was obvious she didn’t mean to press the button.  If she were a bit calmer, I guarantee she would have won.

I’m glad Kalia won it.  I’m so sick of Rachel calling her an “all-time floater.”  Kalia needed to prove that she’s in it to win it, and after her silver medal in last week’s HOH, she’s definitely a force to be reckoned with.  And watching Rachel sulk afterward was pretty hilarious.


I can’t say I was at all surprised about any aspect of the twist that was revealed last night, since it was accidentally revealed on CBS.com the day before (read my blog about that here).  It was interesting, though, that Julie hinted at it to the house guests.  She told them that the next evictee may be coming back.  If I were in the house, I’d throw the HOH this week.  I wouldn’t want to be responsible for booting someone who would come right back into the game.

I wonder if Kalia will consider the twist when she makes her nominations this week.  She might be wary of booting someone like Rachel, who would come back like a bat out of hell.  It might behoove Kalia to target someone like Shelly, whose social game is threatening but she’s unlikely to win a competition to return to the house.

I’m really excited to see how this all plays out.  I honestly wouldn’t be too averse to any of the evictees coming back (they were all decently likeable) EXCEPT Brendon.  I’m hoping that with him gone, it won’t be the Brenchel show every week like it has been, and I’m really interested to see how Rachel’s game develops (or implodes) without Brendon there holding her hand.

CBS.com Blows it! Reveals Twist Before Live Show! (Spoilers?)

This post contains possible spoilers from a horrendous screw-up at CBS.com.  They posted information about a twist that was presumably meant to be revealed in tonight’s live episode.  If you want to wait until the episode to hear the twist, then read no further!  Otherwise, it’s all after the jump! Continue reading

BB Recap – 7/31 Nominations!

Well this is a late recap–sorry about that!  Sunday’s episode was action-packed.  Dani won the HOH, so there’s a big power shift in the house this week.  Plus, we got to see some more Brenchel crybabyitis, Adam in an elf suit, and Lawon FINALLY showed some depth beyond his usual outrageous behavior.


That HOH competition was pretty enjoyable to watch.  It looked pretty easy at first but they started hurting pretty quickly.  Lawon especially looked like he was being “backdoored” during the comp.  Inappropriate?

ouch! looks painful!Ouch!  Looks painful!  Anyway, Lawon was second off after Adam.  Third, Brendon fell.  I’m sorry, but this was so enjoyable for me.  For someone who bitches so much about people “floating” and sucking in competitions, it was sweet vengeance to see him fall third after the dandy and the least healthy man in BB history.

Of course, Brendon had to save face, so he claimed that the competition was “rigged” for small people/people with small feet.  He’s such a tool.  When he wins, it’s because of his never-ending superiority/athleticism/intelligence, but when he loses, it’s rigged.  He’s such a weenie.

I loved that Jeff won the $10k and no one seems to be holding it against him.

It was great to see Kalia come so close to winning in spite of all the negativity being thrown at her.  How does it feel to be beaten by a “nobody,” Brendon?


woohoo!But alas, Dani outlasted them all (and NOT just because of her small feet) to be crowned the new HOH.  Watching Rachel hand the HOH key over was pretty perfect.  This was basically the worst case scenario for any member of the vets alliance.

Should Dani have thrown the HOH to Kalia to ensure her power in future weeks?  Maybe.  I can definitely see the merit in that argument.  But I think Dani really needed to win this week.  She was lowest on the totem pole and she would have been nominated if almost anyone else had won HOH.  She couldn’t risk it.

Plus, the fact that she was on the bottom of the food chain means she desperately needs to mend fences (especially with Jeff & Jordan) this week.  When you’re HOH and trying to make deals, people know you’re not just kissing ass.  It gives you the opportunity to prove your allegiances by making moves to benefit your allies.  I definitely think she was smart to take the HOH.


i got no beef, yall!Disclaimer: Kalia is in no way my favorite house guest.  I think she talks far too much and she’s not all that interesting.  But she didn’t deserve ANY of what Brenchel threw at her.  When they flipped out at her for her “no beef” comment in the kitchen, it just made them look idiotic.  I don’t think they understand that.

Then the comments about her being “crazy,” “psycho, ” and “a nobody” only made Brenchel look more childish and moronic.  Brendon’s comment about Kalia’s muffin top was not only untrue, it was just plain ugly.  I’m all for the funny DR quips that poke fun at other HGs, but that was just mean.  It’s obvious Brenchel was just bitter about losing the competition.  They are seriously pathetic.


I’m happy Adam got stuck with the elf suit.  I think he’s one of the only ones who’s actually able to have fun with it instead of complaining/cheating the whole time (I’m looking at you, Enzo!).  If it wasn’t based on random draw, I definitely would have thought this was rigged, because I seriously can’t picture a better elf than the chain-smoking, metal-headed, raspy-voiced weirdo Adam.  And on the live feeds he’s done a great job of not being annoying with it.  He’s getting better at knowing when to shut off the attempts to be funny and I’m liking him more and more lately.


Who ever would have guessed?  Seriously, though, it was nice to see some development of Lawon as a character.  Usually he’s just a caricature with flamboyant one-liners (which, don’t get me wrong, I love), but I’m glad to see that he’s actually a real person underneath the 4 flaming seconds we get of him each episode.


Daniele knew that unless she created some new alliances, she’d be screwed after this week.  I think it was really smart of her to target Brenchel and try to make amends with Jordeff.  It’s better to have just one couple against you instead of both, and if she had nominated, say, Jeff and Brendon, she would have made four enemies.

After all that’s happened, though, I think Jeff and Jordan will have a hard time trusting Dani in the long run, despite her apparent work to gain trust with them.  I think the best thing Jeff and Jordan could do at this point is to cut ties with Brendon and Rachel and align themselves firmly with Daniele.  Either Brendon or Rachel will likely leave this week, so keeping the other as an ally isn’t very smart for them.

Hopefully, Brendon packs up his crybabyitis and leaves the house on Thursday.  I’m sooooo done with him.  I actually hate him more than I hate Rachel at this point, and that really says a lot.

Brendon crying at the end of the episode

Episode 9 Recap: The POV!

In last night’s episode we got to see a lot of things I never thought we’d see: Brendon and Rachel not being total trainwrecks, Dani totally destroying her game, and Jeff actually being able to spell.  What’s next, BB?!  Is Porsche going to develop a personality?  Is Adam going to talk about anything besides previous seasons and bacon?  The world has gone mad!


When I talk about the broadcast episodes of BB I often say I wish we could get just ONE episode that doesn’t show Brenchel fighting.  Well, this week I got my wish.  But the fates mocked me, because instead of a Brenchel trainwreck, we got this:

ew ew ew ew ew

Did I need that image burned into my brain for all of eternity, BB?  What did I ever do to you?  I’ll take a Brenchel fight over this ANY DAY.  Shudder.


Daniele really did have an easy ride.  She didn’t have to compete at all because of the golden key, and she didn’t have to worry about being nominated, either.  All she had to do was sit back, keep her mouth shut, and make friends with everyone.  This week, though, it all turned to caca when she transformed into a 5th grader with a silly crush and a self-destructive streak.

blah blah blahNot only did she annoy the hell out of me with her childish flirting with Dominic, but she also overplayed her hand and made all of the vets distrust her.  She should have realized that Brendon and Rachel weren’t going for the backdoor Jeff plan and quit while she was ahead.  But she pushed too far too fast and it made everyone suspicious, destroying not only her game but Dom’s as well.


This veto competition brought the LOLs.  I think Lawon explained it best, so I’ll let him do the recap:


"WHAT is this lady in the backyard? WHO IS SHEEE?! OMG! I'm so flamboyant and SILLY! CUH-RAZAY!"

Thanks, Lawon.  That was very helpful.  To translate: Jordan played in the bubbles, Rachel almost died, and they had to spell words.  Brendon won, but Jeff redeemed himself for the “Technotronics” debacle and came in second.


In the end, Rachel and Brenda got wise to Dani’s scheming and kept the nominations the same.  Since Dominic is Dani’s accomplice, it looks like it’s curtains for him tonight.  This week has drawn some lines in the sand (which you’ll see in the episode tonight if you haven’t been spoiled yet), so there could be a pretty significant power shift depending on who wins HOH.


At the end of the episode, we were told that another twist will be revealed tonight.  Speculation is rampant.  Some people think there will be a returning houseguest, and that possibly he/she will be chosen by the golden key holders.  Others think that the duos will be shuffled and everyone will have a new partner.  Some say  it will be revealed that Rachel is really a robot designed to annoy the hell out of people. OK, no one actually said that last one, but what other explanation could there be for her behavior?

Personally, I think the “twist” will be that the duos are kaput and it’s all individual from here on out.  And while that’d be a pretty anticlimactic reveal (since all of the HGs assume that’s what’s happening tonight anyway), I wouldn’t put it past BB to overhype the end of a twist as a twist in and of itself.  I guess we’ll find out tonight!

Epic Battle! (Live Feed Spoilers)

This post contains spoilers from the live feeds.  If you wish to remain unspoiled for the broadcast episodes, do not read any further!!!  If you do want to read it, it’s after the jump! Continue reading

Week 2 Eviction Recap!

Well, it was a pretty slow news day today in the Big Brother world, since I think everyone on earth knew Cassi was going home.  Producers didn’t even bother trying to make it look like a toss-up–they just filled the hour with a whole bunch of crybabies and uselessness.


I’m starting to believe that Rachel might actually be psychologically unstable.  She talks constantly on the feeds about wanting to change her image this time around, but I think she really just can’t help herself.  First you have her at the POV competition flippng out on Jordeff and then crying in the bushes.  CRYING IN THE BUSHES.  Then you have her total bitchiness to Cassi, all because Cassi said she doesn’t like Porsche.  Somehow, apparently, this makes Cassi a snake and a “victim” in Rachel’s eyes.  Rachel calling someone else a victim is just laughably ironic, since she said it in the midst of a why-is-everyone-so-mean-to-me whinefest.  She’s making herself look like a complete ass.

I don’t think Cassi really came off great either, though.  She’s one of those people who likes to run around saying “I hate drama” and then use that as a vehicle to talk crap about other people.  Don’t get me wrong.  The shit-talking is part of the game.  But don’t do it under the guise that you’re sweet and innocent.  And talking non-stop about how people are “just jealous” of you is not cute.  Cassi hasn’t brought anything to the table these past couple weeks.  She’s a dud.  I’m not really sorry to see her go.

Then you have Jordan, the best referee EVER.  She’s the only person in the house who can flat out call Rachel a bitch and get away with it.  Because she’s a genuine sweetheart.  She handled that Rachel meltdown perfectly, because she told it like it is without pissing anyone off. I actually think Jordan is playing a phenomenal social game so far this season.


The rest of the episode was just filler because nothing else happened this week.  We got to meet Adam’s girlfriend, and we found out he’s a former fatty.  That was surprising to me, because after witnessing his constant mouth-breathing, chain-smoking and bacon fervor on the live feeds, I really didn’t think he was the health-conscious type.  But hey, he’s apparently lost over 100lb, so good for him.

And Dominic’s BFF revealed quite a bit about him tonight.  Apparently he was home schooled because his mom is batshit crazy?  And BB is his first time spending the night away from home?! Yikes. We knew he was sheltered when his intro was a montage of him talking about his V-card and his mom making him lunch, but wow.  I wasn’t expecting that.


  • I legitimately forgot Porsche existed until she cast her vote tonight.  What the hell happened to her?
  • That cape thingy on the back of Julie’s dress was incredibly distracting and weird.  I guess they just needed something to draw people’s attention to the episode.
  • I like Shelly, but her crybabyitis tonight was obnoxious.  If she’s so concerned about how her daughter is perceiving her, she shouldn’t have come on the show.
  • I LOVED when Julie told Cassi to GTFO with that “We need you to leave the house NOW” comment.  Julie is a badass. In a cape.
  • Rachel apparently forgot to take her mic off before going to the bathroom, because we definitely heard her peeing right after the eviction.  The last thing I needed tonight was to hear Rachel’s tinkle & flush.  But just in case you missed it, you can relive it here.
  • Rachel is HOH again. As ridonkulous as she is, I have to give her props on her competition performance.  It’s a mixed blessing, though, because while it likely means another week of Jordeff safety, it also means another week of Brenchel in the HOH room.  Shudder.

My guess is that Dominic or Adam will be the target this week, but with Rachel’s descent into madness in full swing, who knows which of her cognitive abilities will go next.  Should be an interesting week!

Episode 4 Recap–The First Evictee!

Sometimes, the stars align beautifully and everything just goes your way.  That’s how I felt watching last night’s episode.  Everything was perfect–Keith went home, Lawon looked hansomexy, Dani got a little closure on Dick’s departure, and, best of all, Jordan is the new HOH!


Before any of the good stuff happened, we got another peak into the dark, creepy shitstorm that is Brenchel.  I covered their fight a little bit in a previous live feed update, but this was even better than watching it on the feeds, because we actually got to hear Brendon clearly articulate how “demasculintized” he felt.  Later, Rachel apologized for making him feel “demasculinated.”  It’s so nice when two people can resolve their problems with clear, concise communication.  I mean, I know people mispronounce things sometimes, but these weren’t even anywhere close to being rooted in reality. But it was funny!


So Keith was evicted after Shelly and Kalia flipped their votes.  It was a brilliant move for both of them because they are no lower on the veterans’ totem pole than they were on the newbies’, they’re now siding with people who actually understand how to play this game (sometimes, anyway), and they won’t even be considered big targets for eviction next to the veterans.  Brilliant.

Adam, on the other hand, is a big dum dum.  Of all the people the veterans tried to sway (which was almost everyone), they were most confident that Adam would side with them.  He’s so infatuated with Big Brother and with all of the dynamic duos.  He CRIED when Dick left, for chrissake!  So why didn’t he flip?  I’m pretty sure it’s because he’s such a huge fan (and also because he’s a moron).  He doesn’t just want to side with the veterans, he wants to be the one to take them out.  And I really think he genuinely believes he can.  Unfortunately for him he’s not very physically adept (he has to take smoke breaks during his workouts and I’m not even joking) and he couldn’t strategize his way out of a paper bag.  Not to mention everyone in the house dislikes him, so there goes the social angle. He needed the veterans, and now he’s screwed.


I think Adam may be able to use the veterns’ confidence in him to his advantage.  Since the votes aren’t revealed to the HGs, no one knows for sure who flipped and who didn’t.  If Adam is suave enough he can play it to the vets as though he were one of the flippers.  I think the vets feel they can’t trust Kalia, and that’s an easy play for Adam to make.  But that’s assuming his IQ is higher than that of chalk, so probably not.


The HOH comp could  not have gone better for the veterans.  It was all very strategically and methodically played, and it was brilliant.  Having Jeff and Brendon go last meant they could throw it if Jordan won, keeping them both free to compete next week.  I absolutely adore Jordeff, so I’m thrilled to have them up in HOH this week instead of Brenchwreck.  I think her best move is to target Dominic this week because I think he more than anyone else, he’s totally against the vets. I think he likes Daniele a lot but will try to cut her as soon as her golden key is expired.


As always, my opinions on most of the houseguests have changed over the first week.  Here are my impressions after week 1:

Jordan:  Still love her, of course!  I hope she and Jeff are shown more on the episodes (and live feeds) this week, since last week was pretty much the Brenchel show.  I think Jordan is playing a brilliant social game because she’s really sweet and charming but she’s also very perceptive and clear-headed.

Jeff:  Still love him, too.  I think he’s the voice of reason with the vets.  Hopefully we’ll get a lot of Jordeff HOH moments this week.

Brendon:  I think I hate him even more now than I used to.  He’s the worst.  He tries waaaay too hard to look intelligent (like his rocket science comment in the POV episode…ugh) and it just makes him look stupid.  Plus, he’s creepy and controlling.  He brings nothing to the table.

Rachel:  I think I understand her a little more this season.  She’s incredibly childish and annoying, of course, but I think the reason she does a lot of what she does is because she feels she can get away with it because Brendon is there to back her up (sort of).  We’ve never seen her play the game without Brendon, and I think she’d be much more enjoyable to watch without him.

Daniele: Definitely playing the best social game in the house right now.  She’s friendly to everyone and she understands how people work.  She’s incredible at keeping her mouth shut.  Plus, she’s snarky and hilarious!

Dominic: I still can’t decide if I like him or not.  He’s funny sometimes but he’s also kind of a tool sometimes too.  Sorta reminds me of Hayden from last year.

Adam:  Wow.  He’s so obnoxious.  I loved him based on the pre-show interviews, but sweet Jesus, this guy kind of sucks.  He doesn’t know when to shut it off and he tries way too hard.

Kalia:  I like her, but she talks too much.  She, too, needs to learn when to turn it off.  But she’s a lot sweeter and funnier than I thought she’d be.

Lawon:  I thought I was going to loathe him.  But he’s hilarious!  He’s adorable and funny.

Porsche:  Still don’t like her.  She’s annoying and has no endearing qualities.

Shelly:  A lot more game savvy than I thought she’d be.  And people seem to really like that maternal side of her, which is good.  I think she’s pretty cool.

Cassi:  Absolutely freaking gorgeous.  But she’s totally dull.  She’s too quiet.  I bet she’d be funny/interesting if she opened up a bit.

I’m very interested to see who Jordan puts up!  I think she’ll either target Dominic or Cassi.