Tag Archives: competiton

Week 2 Eviction Recap!

Well, it was a pretty slow news day today in the Big Brother world, since I think everyone on earth knew Cassi was going home.  Producers didn’t even bother trying to make it look like a toss-up–they just filled the hour with a whole bunch of crybabies and uselessness.


I’m starting to believe that Rachel might actually be psychologically unstable.  She talks constantly on the feeds about wanting to change her image this time around, but I think she really just can’t help herself.  First you have her at the POV competition flippng out on Jordeff and then crying in the bushes.  CRYING IN THE BUSHES.  Then you have her total bitchiness to Cassi, all because Cassi said she doesn’t like Porsche.  Somehow, apparently, this makes Cassi a snake and a “victim” in Rachel’s eyes.  Rachel calling someone else a victim is just laughably ironic, since she said it in the midst of a why-is-everyone-so-mean-to-me whinefest.  She’s making herself look like a complete ass.

I don’t think Cassi really came off great either, though.  She’s one of those people who likes to run around saying “I hate drama” and then use that as a vehicle to talk crap about other people.  Don’t get me wrong.  The shit-talking is part of the game.  But don’t do it under the guise that you’re sweet and innocent.  And talking non-stop about how people are “just jealous” of you is not cute.  Cassi hasn’t brought anything to the table these past couple weeks.  She’s a dud.  I’m not really sorry to see her go.

Then you have Jordan, the best referee EVER.  She’s the only person in the house who can flat out call Rachel a bitch and get away with it.  Because she’s a genuine sweetheart.  She handled that Rachel meltdown perfectly, because she told it like it is without pissing anyone off. I actually think Jordan is playing a phenomenal social game so far this season.


The rest of the episode was just filler because nothing else happened this week.  We got to meet Adam’s girlfriend, and we found out he’s a former fatty.  That was surprising to me, because after witnessing his constant mouth-breathing, chain-smoking and bacon fervor on the live feeds, I really didn’t think he was the health-conscious type.  But hey, he’s apparently lost over 100lb, so good for him.

And Dominic’s BFF revealed quite a bit about him tonight.  Apparently he was home schooled because his mom is batshit crazy?  And BB is his first time spending the night away from home?! Yikes. We knew he was sheltered when his intro was a montage of him talking about his V-card and his mom making him lunch, but wow.  I wasn’t expecting that.


  • I legitimately forgot Porsche existed until she cast her vote tonight.  What the hell happened to her?
  • That cape thingy on the back of Julie’s dress was incredibly distracting and weird.  I guess they just needed something to draw people’s attention to the episode.
  • I like Shelly, but her crybabyitis tonight was obnoxious.  If she’s so concerned about how her daughter is perceiving her, she shouldn’t have come on the show.
  • I LOVED when Julie told Cassi to GTFO with that “We need you to leave the house NOW” comment.  Julie is a badass. In a cape.
  • Rachel apparently forgot to take her mic off before going to the bathroom, because we definitely heard her peeing right after the eviction.  The last thing I needed tonight was to hear Rachel’s tinkle & flush.  But just in case you missed it, you can relive it here.
  • Rachel is HOH again. As ridonkulous as she is, I have to give her props on her competition performance.  It’s a mixed blessing, though, because while it likely means another week of Jordeff safety, it also means another week of Brenchel in the HOH room.  Shudder.

My guess is that Dominic or Adam will be the target this week, but with Rachel’s descent into madness in full swing, who knows which of her cognitive abilities will go next.  Should be an interesting week!