Tag Archives: golden keys

Episode 9 Recap: The POV!

In last night’s episode we got to see a lot of things I never thought we’d see: Brendon and Rachel not being total trainwrecks, Dani totally destroying her game, and Jeff actually being able to spell.  What’s next, BB?!  Is Porsche going to develop a personality?  Is Adam going to talk about anything besides previous seasons and bacon?  The world has gone mad!


When I talk about the broadcast episodes of BB I often say I wish we could get just ONE episode that doesn’t show Brenchel fighting.  Well, this week I got my wish.  But the fates mocked me, because instead of a Brenchel trainwreck, we got this:

ew ew ew ew ew

Did I need that image burned into my brain for all of eternity, BB?  What did I ever do to you?  I’ll take a Brenchel fight over this ANY DAY.  Shudder.


Daniele really did have an easy ride.  She didn’t have to compete at all because of the golden key, and she didn’t have to worry about being nominated, either.  All she had to do was sit back, keep her mouth shut, and make friends with everyone.  This week, though, it all turned to caca when she transformed into a 5th grader with a silly crush and a self-destructive streak.

blah blah blahNot only did she annoy the hell out of me with her childish flirting with Dominic, but she also overplayed her hand and made all of the vets distrust her.  She should have realized that Brendon and Rachel weren’t going for the backdoor Jeff plan and quit while she was ahead.  But she pushed too far too fast and it made everyone suspicious, destroying not only her game but Dom’s as well.


This veto competition brought the LOLs.  I think Lawon explained it best, so I’ll let him do the recap:


"WHAT is this lady in the backyard? WHO IS SHEEE?! OMG! I'm so flamboyant and SILLY! CUH-RAZAY!"

Thanks, Lawon.  That was very helpful.  To translate: Jordan played in the bubbles, Rachel almost died, and they had to spell words.  Brendon won, but Jeff redeemed himself for the “Technotronics” debacle and came in second.


In the end, Rachel and Brenda got wise to Dani’s scheming and kept the nominations the same.  Since Dominic is Dani’s accomplice, it looks like it’s curtains for him tonight.  This week has drawn some lines in the sand (which you’ll see in the episode tonight if you haven’t been spoiled yet), so there could be a pretty significant power shift depending on who wins HOH.


At the end of the episode, we were told that another twist will be revealed tonight.  Speculation is rampant.  Some people think there will be a returning houseguest, and that possibly he/she will be chosen by the golden key holders.  Others think that the duos will be shuffled and everyone will have a new partner.  Some say  it will be revealed that Rachel is really a robot designed to annoy the hell out of people. OK, no one actually said that last one, but what other explanation could there be for her behavior?

Personally, I think the “twist” will be that the duos are kaput and it’s all individual from here on out.  And while that’d be a pretty anticlimactic reveal (since all of the HGs assume that’s what’s happening tonight anyway), I wouldn’t put it past BB to overhype the end of a twist as a twist in and of itself.  I guess we’ll find out tonight!