EPIC MELTDOWN! 7/3 (Live Feed Spoilers)

This post contains spoilers from the live feeds!  If you wish to remain unspoiled for the broadcast episodes, do not read any further!  Otherwise, it’s all behind the jump!

Oh boy!  This’ll have to be a Cliff’s Notes edition because this went on for HOURS.


  • It all started when Daniele told Shelly that she gave a shout out to Shelly’s family in her HOH blog.  Shelly cried because it made her miss her daughter, and Rachel thought it was a cheap ploy on Dani’s part to manipulate Shelly.  Rachel confronted Dani in the HOH room and was not in any state to listen to reason.
  • Dani wanted no part of the argument and basically told her to GTFO.
  • Dani immediately went out to Shelly to clear the air.  She said she was just trying to be nice.  Shelly understood and said she never thought Dani had any cruel intentions.
  • Everyone gathered in the backyard.  Rachel yelled at Daniele for using “emotional manipulation games” and for making shout-outs in her HOH blog, which Rachel claims is not allowed.
  • Dani maintained that it’s none of her business and it’s irrelevant.  At first, Brendon tried to mediate the argument but then very quickly jumped to Rachel’s defense and told Dani she was “fucked up.”

    rachel and brendon spew, dani defends, shelly sulks, adam watches

  • This entire time, Shelly was sitting there saying she didn’t think anything of it and it was a non-issue.  But leave it to Brenchel: they’ll find something to get mad about whether it’s based in reality or not!
  • Jeff confronted Brendon and Rachel and told them they need to watch their behavior.  He said they’ve done a lot to improve their reputation so far (not from where I’m sitting, Big Jeff…) but they shouldn’t tarnish it with petty fights like this.  “Keep it together, because one of you is staying.  Rachel is very emotional.  She’s going to get herself in a lot of trouble.  If you [Brendon] had stayed you could handle things like this.”
  • Meanwhile, Shelly’s outside feeling guilty that her crying about missing her daughter started all this drama.
  • Rachel and Brendon went to the Have Not room to whine some more.   Rachel “crying” (crocodile tears, her specialty!) because “It’s not fair to use your HOH blog to manipulate people!” Poor Rachel.  It must be really hard to carry the world’s problems on your shoulders.  Eyeroll.
  • Brendon asked Rachel if she wanted to leave (the house).  Together.  Rachel said “I don’t know, I don’t want production to hate me.”  Feeds cut after that so I have no idea how the rest of that conversation went.


About 45 minutes later (nothing noteworthy happened in between):

  • Porsche told Rachel “You have to stop with the sad thing.  You’re making people, like, uncomfortable.”  She explained that everyone else who has been HOH (Dani, Jordan, Jeff) didn’t know it was against the rules to make shout outs, and that Shelly was touched by it, so Rachel just looked like an idiot.  This sent Rachel off the deep end.
  • Rachel stormed off to the hammock with Brendon trailing.  She started melting.  Porsche just wandered off and mumbled “I….cannot help you.”
  • Brendon, actually being rational, told Rachel she needs to get herself under control.  He said he used the POV so she could stay in the game and now she’s totally blowing it.
  • Rachel went into a litany about how she’s going to ruin Brendon’s life, no one likes her (in our out of the house), she’s not going to be able to get a job, she’s good for nothing, and “not even that smart.”
  • During her spew, she mentioned that before BB13, she went to a final interview for a job, and they asked her “Why did you act that way on TV?”  I feel guilty, but that made me laugh out loud.
  • I have to give Brendon credit here.  He really did a good job of being supportive and trying to build her up.
  • They kept going back and forth about how they can’t be separated for 6 whole weeks (give me a break) and how they want to quit the game so they can be together.
  • This all went in circles for HOURS.  It was painful, pitiful, hilarious and depressing all at once.  I do legitimately feel bad for Rachel because it’s obvious she has zero self-esteem, but her behavior is just so indefensible.  They are the archetypal trainwreck.
  • After Rachel got her shit together (sort of), they talked for a bit about how Jeff has no loyalties and will stab anyone in the back in this game.
  • Brendon claims that production made Rachel a villain last season and it traumatized her, and they’re setting her up to be a villain again.  Basically he’s saying that she’s not responsible for any of her behavior because it’s all production’s fault.


  • Production called the BB psychiatrist, Dr. Zachary, to come talk to Rachel.
  • Other than her meeting with the therapist, Brenchel’s butts have been parked in the hammock for 8 hours.  EIGHT.
  • Should be BIG fireworks when (if?) Brendon leaves tomorrow.  Should be exciting!


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