Tag Archives: Matt Hoffman

Dynamic Duos: We Know Who It Isn’t…

With the “Dynamic Duos” twist revealed a couple of days ago, there has been a lot of buzz about who the returning pair(s) will be.  While I’m still clinging to the (impossible) hope of Matt & Ragan, most fans are pretty certain that the returnees are of the 6 pairs included in the CBS.com poll.  Among the most talked about are Dr. Will and Mike “Boogie” from BB2 and All-Stars.  The forums have been buzzing with people thrilled at the prospect of their return.

Unfortunately, earlier this afternoon, Dr. Will crushed our hopes and dreams (and made me hate him a little) via his official web site, where he released the following statement:

Life is often confusing but once you have a child you can more easily discern important items from the superfluous. My focus these days is my family, my friends and my profession. While I sincerely appreciate the enthusiasm of reality television fans I have other priorities that supersede any possible participation in non-scripted programming this summer. Moreover, I absolutely enjoy public speaking and the occasional television appearance but I have officially retired from competition based shows – There is simply nothing left for me to accomplish in this genre. Now please don’t take this as a statement of arrogance; If you truly contemplate my current situation as well as my past history I’m sure you’ll agree with this decision.

That said, I wish nothing but the best to Robyn Kass, Allison Grodner, Rich Meehan, Les Moonves, Julie Chen and the entire CBS family. Will I watch Big Brother? Honestly, I don’t watch much TV these days. I also don’t think anyone was ever lying on his or her deathbed and said, “Now that my life is about to end I have one major regret: I sure wished I had spent more time watching Big Brother”! Point being, I’m a little preoccupied these days but I’m confident that the contestants this summer will provide the fans with minutes of entertainment.

Moving forward, my good friend, Mike Malin, has a new show, Famous Food, premiering on Vh1 on July 10th at 10:00 pm so you’ll be able to see him all summer and I have a number of scheduled appearances on QVC where I educate consumers about anti-aging products. I’m also in the process of expanding my laser tattoo removal clinics. In addition to the four Southern California locations we just opened in Dallas, Texas and are in the process of a multi-city expansion that will take place through 2013 so we can offer tattoo removal nationwide. I also co-authored two medical text book chapters and solely authored a third that will be published late this summer. Additionally, with serving as an associate clinical professor of dermatology at two medical schools I find very little free time. That said, I always find time to spend outdoors but and having had skin cancer myself, I always remind everyone to use sun avoidance measures and always wear sunscreen.

Ten years ago, to the day, I moved to Los Angles to create the life I always dreamed of and to fulfill my destiny… and you all helped me accomplish exactly that. So, from the bottom of my heart, thank you!

Now it is time for you to fulfill your destiny – which path will you choose?

Have a healthy and happy summer.




My first thought is that, damn, this just increases the chances of a Brenchel return.  Secondly, I think that despite his attempt not to sound arrogant, he sounds nothing but arrogant.  It sounds a lot like he’s putting down Big Brother and its fans when he essentially says watching it is a waste of time.  Considering this is the show that made him famous and enabled him to become a staple of Dr. 90210 and a regular on several other shows, he really shouldn’t dog the medium to which he owes his success.

Then he ironically goes on to plug his own appearances on QVC wherein he “educates” people on anti-aging products.  Because, as you know, QVC is known for its ground-breakingly educational broadcasting.  Thanks, Dr. Will!  You’re such a humanitarian!

Suddenly, I’m not so disappointed that he won’t be on Big Brother ever again.  But don’t worry guys, he’s confident that this season’s cast will provide us fans with “minutes” of entertainment.  Dick.

BB13 Twist Revealed (Sort Of)! House Pics Released!

As I impatiently count down the days until Big Brother premieres, I’m thrilled at any tiny morsels of information I can find.  But the reveal of this season’s “twist” by Julie on ET Canada raises more questions than it answers.  She says the theme is “Dynamic Duos,” or, more specifically, “Dynamic duos from the past will have a significant role this season.”  That’s basically all she said.  It sort of sounds like this might be an all-star season, but from what I understand this is a fresh cast.  Having a “significant role” doesn’t necessarily mean they’ll be houseguests, so what role will they play?  Hopefully the dynamic duo in question is Ragan/Matt, not Brendan/Rachel.  Regardless, I’m curious to find out what the hell Julie’s talking about!

For now, we can cling to the more concrete tidbit, which was just released on CBS.com: House Photos!  This season, BB is going for a “Venice Beach” theme according to Julie.  But really it just looks like an IKEA catalog.  Here are some of the photos:


The Back Yard

Here’s the back yard.  Nothing too exciting.  None of this stuff seems weatherproof, so hopefully it doesn’t rain.

spiral staircase

The Spiral Staircase

The spiral staircase, now with hideous/unnecessary chickenwire fence!  This is something I envision houseguests being injured/yelled at for trying to climb while drunk.

The Living Room

The Living Room

Overall I like this.  Obviously it’s supposed to look like it’s outdoors, but I could do without the rotting wood on the coffee table.  Watch out for splinters!

The Candy Room

The Candy Room

This year’s obligatory tacky room.  This will be the bedroom that people will be pissed about having to sleep in.  Nevertheless, I’d bet money that at least one thong is dangling from that ice cream cart within the first week.  To make matters worse, in the ET segment Julie refers to this room as the “Katy Perry Room” which just about makes me want to shoot myself.

The new HOH room

The real (?) HOH room

There was another photo up earlier along with this one of the HOH room looking very different.  This is the HOH photo that’s still on the CBS site.  Looks like they’ve changed almost everything.  I like the orange version a lot more.  The other one is too bland and too similar to last year’s HOH room.  Oh, and I hate the round bed.

The Front Bedroom

The Front Bedroom

This is the bedroom connected to the living room (last year’s Palm Room).  I would hate to sleep here.  It looks really cool, but also incredibly uncomfortable.  The sleeping options really suck this season.  Maybe the Have Nots will have to sleep on the cold metal slats between the beds?

The Tarot Room

The Tarot Room

This is my favorite room in the house.  Not only does it look like the set for a Prince photoshoot, it has totally badass tarot card paintings!  This is a huge improvement from last year’s Cabana Room.

Tarot 2

Tarot Room, view 2

The Tarot Room has been invaded by a zombie fortune teller!  It’s like The Exorcist meets Big.  That thing is absolutely terrifying.  Does it talk/move?  I really hope not.  I can’t decide if this ruins the Tarot Room or makes it cooler.  But if I woke up from a nap and saw this thing in the room, I’d poop my pants for sure.

The Kitchen

The Kitchen

Overall I like the kitchen.  I don’t like the surfboards or the dismantled bikes hanging on the walls, but the picnic-looking table is pretty cool.  I love all the exposed brick and the sunglasses wall!



Yawn.  This bathroom bores me.  It’s kind of depressing, too.

HOH Hallway

HOH Hallway

Again, the concept is cool but it’s impractical and uncomfortable.  Looks like (once again) no one will hang out in the HOH Hallway this season.

backyard wall

The Back Yard Wall

Ugh.  This is absolutely my least favorite part of the house.  It’s even worse than the Katy Perry room.  The concept of graffiti is decent I guess, but these purposely moronic spellings of BB-themed words annoys me to no end.  If I were in this season’s cast, I’d be booted Chima-style for defacing this ass-ugly wall.

For the most part the house kind of sucks this season.  It’s not too bad to look at (minus a few things) but it doesn’t look very comfortable to live in.  I have heard that there have been no changes to the Diary Room, which is a disappointment since it’s been the same absolutely fugly design since season 10.  The Candy Room appears to be in the former Have Not room, and the other bedroom has not been revealed yet.  We can assume this means the return of the Have-Nots, but in the previous two seasons they did a bait-and-switch for the HN room.  Either production is getting lazy, or they have something totally different planned for the other bedroom.  Does it have anything to do with the Dynamic Duos?  Will the cast suck as much as the decor?  Only time will tell!