Tag Archives: bb 13. returning houseguests

Another Duo Bites the Dust…

Only two more days until the new season of Big Brother premieres!  And, it is with great joy and excitement that I announce that Natalie and Jessie will not be returning to the house this season!

Natalie posted via twitter that it’s official–they aren’t one of the dynamic duos.  Her exact words:

I never get in twitter but thought I would because my phone has been blowing up, Jessie and I are not going back on this season of BB 😦  Sorry to those who wanted us, but you never know what the future holds 🙂  I started new job about 8 weeks ago and am focused on that right now. Life for me is great and I just passed my 1 year anniversary

And there you have it!  Thank God!  So now that we know Jessie/Natalie and Will/Boogie are officially out, that leaves Brendan/Rachel, Dick/Daniele, Jeff/Jordan and Hayden/Enzo as remaining possibilities.  Now, Alison Grodner claims that the 6 pairs posted on the CBS poll had nothing to do with the show at all and they were just a “sample” of possible duos, and that it could be anyone coming back.  But I’m calling BS on this.  That poll is hyping up these 6 duos and these 6 only, so bringing in other pairs doesn’t really make sense from a PR perspective.  I think that it’s becoming more obvious than she’d hoped and she’s trying to cover her ass.  Here’s her interview, from welovebigbrother.com:

The houseguests officially moved in yesterday, but there’s no word on when the duos will be entering in.  Regardless, they’re all definitely in sequester. With all the speculation and alleged “insider” information all over the internet, the consensus seems to be that the three pairs are Brenchel, Jeff & Jordan and Dick & Daniele.  I’d be OK with this–I despise Brenchel, but I know everyone else does too (hopefully including the new houseguests!) so hopefully they’ll be booted early.

It’s interesting to note that despite all the HGs already being cut off from the outside world, Brendan, Rachel, Dick and Daniele (that I know of) still have active twitter pages.  Daniele tweeted as recently as yesterday.  Obviously they can’t tweet from inside the house, so I suspect that their twitter accounts are being maintained either by producers or by their friends.  It’s also interesting to note that Daniele’s twitter is suddenly private as of today.

Of course, it’s also possible that all these rumors and conspiracy theories are leading us down the wrong path, and the returning duos are some we’ve never even considered.  The only way to know for sure, I guess, is to wait and watch the premiere on Thursday!  I can’t wait!